For over 30 years, Judy has represented businesses of all sizes and types on a wide range of employment related matters. Judy uses her experience to help her clients maintain a lawful, productive work environment. Services provided include:
- Guidance on effective management of difficult employment-related issues, including hiring, discipline, termination, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) compliance, workplace privacy/social media, and drug policy and testing.
- Drafting, implementing, and updating lawful employment policies and procedures, job descriptions, and Handbooks;
- Guidance on effective and lawful employment documentation, record-keeping, and personnel files;
- Representation through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Colorado Civil Rights Commission complaint process;
- Representation through the state and Federal Department of Labor audit process;
- Regular updates regarding the latest Federal, state, and local statutory and regulatory developments, and guidance on successful implementation of new laws;
- Internal audits of employment practices, including policies, exempt/non-exempt classifications, leave programs and work eligibility (I-9) issues;
- Guidance on navigating wage and hour issues, including independent contractor status and contracts, exempt/nonexempt status, and compliance with the overtime and minimum wage requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
- Risk management strategies for employers, designed specifically to meet the needs of the business.